If you feel a little tired, exhausted, stressed, or worn down by classroom management struggles - I've got your back!

At different times of the school year, our classroom routines can get a little (or a lot) out of sorts.

Whether it's fall๐Ÿ‚, winterโ„๏ธ, or spring๐ŸŒท break, or simply a rough patch during the year, it can be tough!

Maybe behaviors are popping up more than usual, kids are seeming to forget expectations, and you're just hoping that things will settle in.

Well, hope doesn't need to be your only strategy, my friend. Let me help you ensure that your classroom is able to run smoothly for the rest of the school year with our 5 Ways to Reset Your Classroom challenge!

Designed to take five days, you will learn my top, easy to implement tips to reset your classroom any time of the year.

Take a look at the breakdown of what we will cover:

  • Day 1: Reset your arrival
  • Day 2: Reset your transitions
  • Day 3: Reset your circle time
  • Day 4: Reset your procedures
  • Day 5: Reset your clean up

The best part? You can do this in just about 10 minutes a day. Each topic is a separate lesson so you can focus on one section each day for five days.

But if you prefer to watch it all in one sitting, you can! ๐Ÿ˜‰ You receive the entire challenge immediately and can complete it on your own schedule.

Change might feel hard, yes - but you know what's harder? ๐Ÿ‘‡

Dealing with the same issues and classroom management struggles day in and day out, wishing for summer.

As you take this 5 day challenge, you'll begin to realize that simple changes in your classroom make a HUGE difference.

Can you imagine what your classroom would be like if there were fewer behaviors, interruptions, and stronger routines?

If so, this reset is waiting for you!

Say bye-bye to your classroom management struggles and give yourself the kickstart that you need to make it a reality.

You AND your students will benefit from it!

Sign me up!

Are you an All-Access PPC Member? Check your dashboard for your exclusive code.

If you feel a little tired, exhausted, stressed, or worn down by classroom management struggles - I've got your back!

At different times of the school year, our classroom routines can get a little (or a lot) out of sorts.

Whether it's fall๐Ÿ‚, winterโ„๏ธ, or spring๐ŸŒท break, or simply a rough patch during the year, it can be tough!

Maybe behaviors are popping up more than usual, kids are seeming to forget expectations, and you're just hoping that things will settle in.

Well, hope doesn't need to be your only strategy, my friend. Let me help you ensure that your classroom is able to run smoothly for the rest of the school year with our 5 Ways to Reset Your Classroom challenge!

Designed to take five days, you will learn my top, easy to implement tips to reset your classroom any time of the year.

Take a look at the breakdown of what we will cover:

  • Day 1: Reset your arrival
  • Day 2: Reset your transitions
  • Day 3: Reset your circle time
  • Day 4: Reset your procedures
  • Day 5: Reset your clean up

The best part? You can do this in just about 10 minutes a day. Each topic is a separate lesson so you can focus on one section each day for five days.

But if you prefer to watch it all in one sitting, you can! ๐Ÿ˜‰ You receive the entire challenge immediately and can complete it on your own schedule.

Change might feel hard, yes - but you know what's harder? ๐Ÿ‘‡

Dealing with the same issues and classroom management struggles day in and day out, wishing for summer.

As you take this 5 day challenge, you'll begin to realize that simple changes in your classroom make a HUGE difference.

Can you imagine what your classroom would be like if there were fewer behaviors, interruptions, and stronger routines?

If so, this reset is waiting for you!

Say bye-bye to your classroom management struggles and give yourself the kickstart that you need to make it a reality.

You AND your students will benefit from it!

Are you an All-Access PPC Member? Check your dashboard for your exclusive code.

For a limited time, use code FEB23 at checkout for $5 off the challenge!
